Employer Attitudes and Blind and Partially Sighted People – Parliamentary Report Launch

  • Mon, 14th Oct, 2024
  • 2:00 pm

Time: 2-4pm

Location: Atlee Suite, Portcullis House, Houses of Parliament, SW1A 2LW

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eye Health and Visual Impairment earlier this year launched an inquiry into employer attitudes and the employment of blind and partially sighted people.

The inquiry aimed to

  • Better understand the impact that attitudes and barriers have on the likelihood of a blind or partially sighted person being employed.
  • Explore the policies and practices employers currently have in place to support blind and partially sighted people in work.
  • Look into attitudes around the perceived benefits and challenges of having blind and partially sighted people in the workforce.
  • Assess the extent to which current legislation is working and is fit for purpose.
  • Better understand what blind and partially sighted people would like to see from an employer.
  • Gather solutions that government and other partners should consider at a policy and operational level.

We will be holding a report launch event in Parliament where we will be announcing some of the findings and recommendations.

At the event we will be hearing from

Marsha de Cordova MP and Chair of the APPG on Eye Health and Visual Impairment

Alison McGovern MP – Minister of State for Employment

Along with several blind and partially sighted people who participated in the inquiry

We will be announcing the findings of the inquiry, along with a series of recommendations.

Please note this is not an official House of Commons or House of Lords Inquiry. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in the Inquiry’s report will be those of the group.

If you are interested in attending please contact us at contact@eyehealthviappg.org.uk

Minutes of recent meetings

22nd February 2023

The APPG session looked into employment and the Access to Work scheme. Panelists and attendees discussed the advantages of the Access to Work scheme when it was deployed efficiently and highlighted the impact of delayed assessments and implementation had on people with sight loss.

26th April 2023

The APPG session discussed the eye care workforce and explored current challenges, opportunities and recommendations for the eye care workforce needed now, and in the future.

T* APPG Meeting (Eye Health) and AGM 2-4pm, Parliament

The Eye Health and Visual Impairment held its AGM on Tuesday 19th March.